Thursday, January 1, 2009

the impact of human activities on our ecosystem

This refers to the clearing of forest . They are cleared to meet the rising demands of land and materials.
with the use of modern technology , forest are being cleared at a faster rate than it could be replaced. This often results in undesirable consequences
1) soil erosion: the canopy of trees acts as a shield to protect the soil from the rain water . rain water is stored and absorbed by the roots of trees and gradually released into the soil , with the trees gone,soil is exposed directly to the force of rain,topsoil , also the most fertile layer , gets washed away or eroded during heavy rain
2) flooding: the eroded soil might get deposited in the rivers , disrupting the flow of the river , causing a rise in water levels , causing floods .
3) desertification: exposed to sunlight , water is removed from soil causing it to harden , with the topsoil eroded , land becomes barren , plants are not able to grow and the end result is that habitats and organisms get extinct .overgrazing also leads to desertification
4) climate changes : this is caused by deforestation as when rain water is retained in roots of trees , they are lost as transpiration , and producing rain . without trees , the annual rainfall will decrease.

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